Monday 30 August 2021

Understanding COVID-19 teenage pregnancies in Uganda

For over 8 months now, almost every week, a headline announcing teenage pregnancies recorded in thousands in a district in Uganda has appeared in the press. These teenage pregnancies have been blamed on the closure of schools that was ordered by Government of Uganda as one of the measures to control the spread of COVID-19. But is it COVID-19 we should be blaming?

If a child fears to show up at school pregnant more than she fears showing up at home pregnant, what does that say about her parent(s) and the values of the family she comes from?

In Uganda today it appears majority of us have lost the ability to derive pleasure from any anything that is not sexual. The jokes cracked on radio stations are sexual; the songs topping the charts are filled with sexual lyrics; the trending music videos have very sexually suggestive dances; the trending clothes are those that leave little to imagine; etc.

This month, a judge of the constitutional court, justice Frederick Egonda-Ntende, asked, "What harm would result to society if publication, exhibition or other representation of images of sexual parts of the human body or sexual activities primarily for sexual excitement, is not prohibited?" The constitutional court went ahead and decriminalized the publication orexhibition of pornography in Uganda.

Surely, with all this sexual content that fills our mass media that we are promoting (even in our homes) and decriminalising, how can our children not be sexually active?

Values are caught, not taught. And whatever values we as a nation embrace and promote especially at family level, those, our children will pick up.

Thursday 19 August 2021

Keep calm

Feeling lost? Not sure you know what you want or need to do next?

Well... don't be upset about it. 

Remember, your life was not your idea so there is no way you can have it all figured out. 🙅🏾‍♂️

Seek your Creator and let Him tell you what you need to do next.

Keep calm.