Friday 7 January 2022

How to live free of worry in 2022

 Every time you have no way to meet a need in your life, your likely natural response will be to worry. And with limitations on time, how much you know, how much you [can] have, etc. being part of what makes you human, it is obvious you will never be able to meet all your needs. This means worrying is an inescapable reality for you in the New Year.

Therefore, in light of the above, it is important that you carefully choose what you will turn to for help when your limitations leave you open to worry.

To help you choose well, I examine three of the most common options people turn to to stay free of worry—money, witchcraft and God.


Although with money you can acquire many things you desire in life, some things in life just cannot be bought. For example, a happy family, true friends, a faithful spouse, responsible children and inner peace, all have no price tag.

Therefore, putting your trust in money and prioritising its accumulation in 2022 hoping that it will shield you from worry by getting you everything you need in life is bound to leave you disappointed and still worried.


Just like money, there are things/challenges witchcraft just cannot fix. This means that witchcraft too is incapable of keeping your life free of worry indeed.

Furthermore, with witchcraft you also risk being left more worried because those who turn to witchcraft to shield them from worry must give something in exchange for this protection. And over time, meeting what was demanded by the gods can become a source of even greater worry than the worry that took you to the sorcerer in the first place.


In Matthew 6:25-34, God offers a formula to avoiding worry in life. God, who is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19), says you can have all your needs in life met (hence have no worry) if you seek His kingdom first.

But how do you seek first God’s kingdom so as to enjoy this abundant divine provision upon your life?

To answer the above question, think of God as an investor who sets up a company. Only employees of the company who do what the investor expects of them can be said to be seeking the company first.

God’s has explicitly told us that He wants us to spend our lives doing two things: loving Him and loving others. (Mark 12:30-31) And if you devote your life to loving God and others, and doing things for God and others (not for personal gain), then you are seeking God’s kingdom first.

Just as Jesus Christ demonstrated, God does not place any of us on earth to pursue selfish gain. For although Jesus was almighty, He never used His power to benefit Himself, not even on the cross where He chose to die instead of saving Himself.

Therefore, for a life free of worry in 2022, do not turn to money or witchcraft. Instead, love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love others as yourself and just as He has promised, God will provide for all your needs.

If human employers can provide their employees with all they need to be able to carry out their company duties, how much more will God provide for those dedicated to carrying out His kingdom’s mission on earth?

Happy New Year!