Wednesday 17 March 2021

The common sense in not allowing homosexuals to raise children

A poisoning of our values as a human race is sweeping across our planet funded by people whose wealth has blinded them to the value of human life and the critical need to preserve it. We must rise up against this wave!

Being unable to provide for a child’s material needs is one of the reasons (classified as child neglect) that can lead to a parent losing custody of their child. Of course, such a legal separation of the child from the parent(s) is necessary sometimes because children have material needs that must be met for them to grow and mature into healthy and productive adults.

Material needs, however, are not the only needs children have. In fact, children’s material needs, although very important, are not paramount. Like me, many children have been born and raised in poverty with hardly enough provisions to meet their material needs. By “international standards”, many parents, especially in the financially poor countries are guilty of child neglect and would have lost custody of their children had the international standards on child well being been applied without fear or favour.

Ironically, being raised in poverty notwithstanding, millions of children raised in poverty (sometimes with support from charity organisations like Compassion International which sponsored my education) grow up to become the most productive and influential members of society.

It is obvious, as countless life stories will prove, that as a child grows up, they can, through hard work, overcome the poverty in their lives and become financially prosperous. This later-in-life self-renewal is however very hard to achieve (often impossible) when it comes to the values a child is raised with.

Values do not necessarily have to be taught because children pick up the values lived out in whichever environment they are raised.

This catching of values is the reason why many, even among born again Christians, unaware of the fact that children pick up values, have come to believe in generational curses. A promiscuous parent or a drunkard ashamed of their ways and wishing a better way of life for their child(ren) labours to raise them under proper instruction (often including the teachings from the Bible) and yet the children end up with the same vices and addictions as the parent(s). “Values are caught not taught,” a father of two children (now young adults) once told me.

A proverb in the Bible reminds us that children will not depart from the way in which they raised. Therefore, anyone participating in the upbringing of a child or children should train them (which has more to do with role modelling for them) how they should live. (Proverbs 22:6)

An article by the BBC published today (17/03/2021) reported that there are over 50,000 children currently being raised by homosexual partners (who refer to themselves as parents) in Poland. What should we expect from these children later in life? Will/can those 50,000 children grow up and somehow value the union between a man and a woman? And if those children (who will be adults then) cannot value the source of life (a union between a man and a woman), how will they value life?

The hypocrisy of the human race has never been so obvious and saddening. With one hand we hold out placards preaching environmental conservation (climate change) because we recorgnise that without a natural environment, our God-given habitat to live in, humanity will not have a home to live in and flourish and yet with the other hand we raise placards claiming the rights and freedoms of men who want to have fellow men as sexual partners and women who want to have fellow women as sexual partners, an complete deviation from the God-given guidelines on sexuality for the human race. Who bewitched us?

If we allow men to have sexual relations with fellow men and women to have sexual relations with fellow women, where will the people for whom we are gravely concerned and are labouring and investing heavily to conserve the environment for come from? Will children grow in rectums of men? Or will women fertilise fellow women? It is time we allowed common sense to take its rightful place in the story of humanity.

Children have a right to be raised in an environment that allows them appreciate and cherish the source of human life and the un-substitutable contribution that each of the sexes brings to the creation of life. A person or persons not willing to role model the unit of the family as a union between a man and a woman should have no business raising up a child.

1 comment:

  1. Great insight.
    Waiting for one about transgender as it's allover the news now
