Friday 11 June 2021

10 Tips for Effective Digital Marketing

With more people now aware and appreciative of the benefits of digital marketing (mainly due to the new normal created by COVID-19), many are asking themselves: How can I market my products/services online effectively? If you are one of those asking this question, I have 10 tips to help you achieve effective digital marketing.

But before I can share the tips, I have a quick and simple assignment for you.


Imagine you have to create an advert for a car on sale for each of the target market groups below. List three features about that car that you would highlight in your advert for each advert.

  1. Middle income salary earners
  2. Couples with children
  3. Rich celebrities

Now, the 10 tips for effective digital marketing.

Tip 1: Point out only the key/strong facts about your product (not everything) 

When creating an advert, there is a temptation to tell your potential buyers everything you know about the product you are selling. But telling your potential customers everything about your product will only leave then with more questions about it than interest in the product (that is if they have the time to listen to everything you have to say).

Too much information about a product will lead to more analysis of the product by your audience and as they start to analyse your product more, they will begin getting more logical (than emotional) about your product hence emptying your advert of the “feel” effect a good advert should have on those who see it.

Consider the advert above of the TECNO phone. A smartphone like one of those shown in the advert surely has many features and functionalities and yet, all that the advert tells us about the phone are the megapixels of the phone’s camera.

Don’t lie to your potential customers and don’t withhold critical information about your product from them, but, when marketing your product, don’t tell your audience everything you know about the product.

 Tip 2: Use visuals 

Whenever you visit a social media platform like Twitter, which posts get you to pause your scrolling the most? Is it posts with only text or those with visuals?

Unlike text/words, images and videos easily grab our attention and excite us because we do not have to strain our minds to imagine anything. Therefore, when making a digital marketing plan for your products, be sure to use visuals.

The visuals you use do not necessarily have to be showing the product you are selling because some products like voice bundles cannot be photographed but never put out a post about your product without a visual.

For products that can actually be photographed like a book, a phone, land, etc., including a visual of what you are selling adds to the credibility for your advert.

Tip 3: Make the information in Tip 1 most pronounced 

After you have identified the key things you want your prospective customers to know about your product, make sure you make those easily seen and appreciated.

There is so much information online and on social media most people do not have the luxury of time to zoom in on your advert to read information about your product that you made almost invisible to the naked eye.

If your product’s competitive advantage is its lower price, make sure the price is conspicuous. Your target audience should be able to clearly see the price of your product as indicated on your advert at first glance.

Resist the temptation to make other information on the advert like your logo most prominent in your advert because your logo, for example, adds little (if anything) to any person’s appreciation of what you are selling. Focus on the product

Tip 4: Speak to the needs of the market (not how you feel about the product) 

This tip is directly connected to tip 1. Quite often, people who create adverts render them powerless in as far as getting people to like the products being advertised because the designers focus more on showcasing their artistic/design skills. For example, advert creators can use fonts that are hard to read just because they consider those fonts very artistic and trendy. Sometimes, adverts are designed to massage the egos of those who own or made the product by focusing on what the product owner likes most about the product.

Consider the assignment I gave you above. You cannot market a car the same way to all of three groups (I hope you didn’t). For each group, you must, guided by your awareness of that group’s needs, choose a few features about the car that you are confident will get the prospective buyers excited about buying the car.

For example, availability of plenty of sitting space may not be exciting for you as an unmarried sales executive, but it is most likely a deal maker/breaker for a young couple with children because most couples with children want a car with enough space for them and their children.

They say the customer is king so let your advert speak in the king’s language and the king will buy from you.

Tip 5: Include a call to action 

An advert for any product without a call to action with like a beautiful romantic relationship between a man and a woman where the man never proposes because he believes [in his heart] the girl knows his intention is to marry her. Another man will likely marry that girl.

After you have included all you must and need to include on that advert for your product, tell your prospective customer what they need to do after falling in love with your product. This is the “DO” part of effective digital marketing.

It is not enough to get your audience excited about your product and not tell them what they need to do to get that product otherwise that advert will be a waste.

An example of a call to action is telling your audience to call a certain number to place their orders.

Tip 6: Be sure your advert reaches your target audience 

When selecting a digital platform to advertise your products/services, you must be sure that platform is able to deliver your advert to your target market.

Social media platforms like Facebook have very robust marketing algorithms that can ensure your advert is seen by particular groups of Facebook users classified according to their age, geographical location, sex, relationship status, etc. Make use of this.

SIDENOTE: Do not assume your target market is online because you are online. Always find out where your potential customers are and market your products to them there, even if that means you marketing offline.

I always enjoyed putting my creative juices to use designing banners advertising MD chapattis and sharing them on the MD Enterprises Facebook page. But after posting those adverts for some time and not getting any orders I ditched marketing on Facebook and went downtown Kampala to find market for my chapattis and I was overwhelmed by the market I found there for my chapattis.

Tip 7: Track advert reach and impact 

When it comes to digital marketing, be sure that the platform you use for airing your advert can offer you analytics for how your advert is fairing just like WhatsApp does for status updates.

Most digital platforms today will tell you how many people have viewed your advert, where those people viewed it from (the physical address of the devices they used to view the advert), what time they viewed the advert, whether they simply viewed or actually clicked on the advert, etc.

All the above information is critical for you as an online marketer because it helps you appreciate how your advert is doing so your anticipation for sales is not wishful but rather informed by an awareness of how many people have actually expressed interest in your advert.

With digital marketing you must know your advert's reach and the impact it's having otherwise you will be marketing blindly.

Tip 8: Optimise your adverts for viewing on mobile devices 

Today it is impossible to think about digital without thinking about mobile devices. Most people who access the Internet and visit different digital platforms do so using mobile devices because most of them are now smart and always on us. 

It is therefore paramount that as you design your advert, you optimize it for viewing on mobile devices. Do not put out adverts that require people to first activate screen rotation mode for them to be able to see your advert well. Do not design adverts that requires people to first zoom in before that can see the details on the advert. As much as possible, ensure that viewing your advert does not require your audience to put in any extra effort. They should be able to view you advert as they go about their routine actions without feeling inconvenienced.

There may be some people who will view your advert using for example desktop computers and laptops and it is good practice to always optimize any adverts for viewing on different devices. But if you must error, error on the side of giving it the best view on a mobile device.

Tip 9: Make your advert memorable 

Consider the advert above by MTN Uganda. MTN Uganda is licensed to offer telecommunications and banking services. What on earth is a photo of a man fighting to get his plate of food back from a waiter doing on their advert for Freedom Bundles? And why would they go further and offer such a photo almost 50% of the advert space? Is MTN about to start selling food also?

All that MTN was trying to do and, to a great extent achieved, was to make their advert memorable. The irony makes it memorable. By remembering that scene of the man fighting for his plate of food, many people will also remember the information shared on the right side about the Freedom Bundles.

To make adverts memorable, some companies use famous people on their adverts, others use tunes/beats of popular songs, some use very daring and captivating stunts for their adverts (like Mountain Dew soda often does), etc. You too should strive to make your advert memorable because the more people think about your advert, the more they will think about the product you were marketing through that advert and the higher the likelihood of them buying that product.

If you are not as creative, it is okay. You do not have to do everything all by yourself. You can team up with someone more creative than you are so you can come up with the most memorable advert.

Tip 10: Be ready to stay in people’s faces for a while before you enjoy returns on your marketing 

Think about this: How many Coca Cola adverts do you see in a day? But who does not know [about] Coca Cola? Coca Cola is an internationally recognised strong brand that has been around for years. And yet, in just one day, I can see and listen to over 15 adverts marketing Coca Cola products. 

If a brand as strong as Coca Cola is very deliberate about constantly adverting its products, why do you think that just one advert of your products on Facebook is enough to get you customers? 

I share this tip not to discourage you but more to encourage you and prepare you for the long haul. As a business, have advertising as one of your daily operational engagements with the public because for most people, decision making is a gradual process not instant.

It is also unlikely that you are marketing a product that has never existed. Most likely, what you are marketing is an alternative product (hopefully a better one at that) to the already existing options. Therefore, be patient with the market as you convince them to abandon what they have been using for yours.

The other reason why you should be ready and plan to advertise for some time before you can enjoy returns on your marketing efforts is that most people are not out there looking for adverts. Using advertising giant Facebook as an example, most people (including you) visit the social media site to connect with friends. If you, therefore, want them to take notice of your advert in an ocean of posts by their friends, you must be ready to keep trying to get them “distracted” until you succeed and have their undivided attention. And achieving this will take time.

Effective advertising is a marathon not a sprint.


Always follow the rules of grammar that govern the language of choice for your advert. If your advert is in Rukiga, write love as “Rukundo” not “Lukundo”; if it is in Luganda, write mother as “Maama” not “Mama”; if it is in English, write “You’re” not “Your”.

Any questioning of what you really want to communicate through your advert takes away from that advert’s ability to raise interest in the product being advertised.

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