Sunday 13 June 2021

Sex, Family, Church and Community… The Better Way

 SEX: Like all of us, our adolescents and young adults will battle fierce waves of sexual desires within their bodies. Giving them condoms and contraceptives so they can have “safe sex” is more detrimental than beneficial to their growth and future. We should instead teach them the better free-of-charge way of managing and dealing with sexual desires and all desires at that i.e. having self-control while ridding our media of all the sexual innuendo that has filled it today.

FAMILY: If husbands are not fulfilling their leadership duties in their families, wives, the church and wider community should sternly rebuke the husbands while encouraging them to man up to their God-given responsibilities in the family. We should stop investing in turning women into better men otherwise we’ll end up with the unattended famine roles and fumblers at the masculine roles.

CHURCH: If the Church (the followers of Jesus Christ) are not giving enough to support the work of the churches, the church leaders should labour to teach Christians about giving towards the work of the Church as one of their cardinal duties as followers of Jesus Christ. The church was not established for income generation. The Church is incapable of pursuing both God and money.

COMMUNITY: If our neighbourhoods are insecure, we should find ways to restore and promote the spirit of community and oneness wherever we stay so that each one looks out for the safety of the other. Building high walled perimeter walls and putting our trust in weapons will only, in the long term, lead to more insecurity.

Let’s choose the better way of living.

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